
Collaborate with Aotearoa

Discover the Māori screen industry through our comprehensive directory.

Proudly supported by Ngā Aho Whakaari and Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission

A collaboration that made sense

The Māori Screen Directory is a collaboration between Ngā Aho Whakaari Māori in Screen and Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission.

It was created to connect Producers and our network of Māori in Screen industries.

How? By enabling Producers to find the people they need, where they need them, all whilst empowering Māori film professionals to access productions they’re passionate about.

Access a world of screen professionals in Aotearoa

There are many ways to take advantage of our latest screen production rebate. From sustainability, to cultural competency, we've made it easy to find the people you need and access all the benefits of filming in Aotearoa NZ.

Sit back and let the industry come to you

Sign up for the VIP Corporate Access and we'll do all the heavy lifting.

It's all part of our goal to connect organisations with the people they need, by matching people with the projects they're skilled for.

Connect with Film Professionals Today

Discover a vast network of talented film professionals and grow your production business.

Connect with Film Professionals Today

Discover a vast network of talented film professionals and grow your 
production business.