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Ciana Reimond
Joined on
May 2024
About me
Edit"Pēwhea – Author Writer"
The many faces of my Colonised Child.
Nau mai haere mai. Tēnā Koutou Katoa. My name arrived from the inner muse of mother and father. The soul. I disappear in you. Only to reappear as me, earthbound for now. The writer for the Colonised Child of Ripeka and Reihana.
The Creative Role Model
Just to acknowledge I’m colonised and assimilated takes a lot of pressure off me. It also gives me a starting point to move from, and towards a new being, of being in Aotearoa New Zealand.
My soul is drawn to the endless struggle of the colonised and assimilated child in all stages and ages of decolonizing and reclamation. We are invited to cross over from our lived experience from the negatives of both the prescribed stigma on us and the sharpened tools of the colonizers and assimilation turning us into homogenized robots deeply conditioned to obey.
Robots manufactured to be cast out onto the western collective material plane. Where we are sucked in chewed up and spat out by our false dreams of capitalism and prosperity. Which we believe will give us ownership over the direction of our colonization, is insufferable.
My Inner Musings.
My Inner Muse however, writes prose and poetic verse. Fiction where I artify my world in the genres of Māori Cosmic Māori. Or just Māori Cosmic and for short CosMāo, Cosmic Wāhine – CosWāh and MATA (Māori ake tonu atu).
Proficiencies & skills
Writer of the Muse
The creative role model supporting the Inner muse to write for the colonised child. Who is decolonising and in reclamation.
Master Creative Writing
Dip film and tv
Southseas film and television school - now - Yobee